Kit de reparação poliéster

24.99 com IVA

SKU: ECO 01020042 Categories: ,


Polyester repair kit

Polyester resin is a product suitable for various types of use in the design, manufacture and repair of reinforced parts. (with or without glass fiber) Accelerated and thixotropic orthophthalic, it is ideal for a large number of applications.

How to use:
Mix the two components (resin and catalyst) perfectly in a proportion of 1.5% (summer) and 2.5% (winter) of catalyst in the resin.
(summer) and 2.5% (winter) of catalyst in the resin; always taking care to mix only the quantity to be used.
only the quantity to be used.

In the case of a stratified surface, the fiberglass must be cut beforehand
in the shape of the surface to be repaired, properly cleaned, dried and free from

The accelerated resin is applied to the surface to be repaired with a brush and roller,
impregnating both sides of the fiberglass blanket. The resin used
will be approximately 1 kg per m2 of fiber, with a drying time of
from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on atmospheric conditions.

If a greater thickness is required, several layers can be applied
layers on top of each other when the previous one is still sticky
but without staining.

O kit contains:
– 1 kg of accelerated/thixotropic resin.
– 0.020 g catalisador.
– 1 m2 de MAT 300 g/m2.
– A 1-inch brush.
– Application instructions.


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Kit de reparação poliéster

24.99 com IVA